Theme: ITS
Goes Global
Five Steps
of ITS Toward The Excellent University
There is a goal that wanna realized by ITS is become a
world class university. It is not an easy job. It need tremendous effort, long
time, and improvement gradually. If we see current conditions in ITS, we can
give some advice for improvement. In my opinion, there are five things should
pay attention to develope ITS.
first is facility, it is related to educational facilities, campus
transportation, cleanliness and boarding house for students especially for
foreign students who will study in ITS. In current condition, ITS should develope
educational facility for instance, capacity study room for student, as well for
undergraduate and postgraduate student, improve laboratorium facility, not only
for equipment which use for practice but also good layout and hygiene
laboratorium for each faculty. For each departement, must develope laboratorium
based on research and cooperate with external stakeholder in order to raise
benefit of laboratorium for many research. For cleanliness, ITS necessary
provide cleanliness facilities for example rubbish bin with different type of
garbage (organic, anorganic, metal, and etc). One of problem in ITS is
transportation campus. There are so many student riding own motorcycle, own
bicycle or walk for toward classroom or other building in campus. As we know
that ITS is large campus, so for students who have not own vehicle must walk
long distance toward location in campus. ITS should provide campus transportation for example bus
to make easy student mobile in campus and reduce using own vehicle and pollution
caused by vehicle smoke. ITS necessary reduce the pollution caused by air
pollution from vehicle and cigarette. There
is important to make announcement about smoking prohibition in campus. For
accomodation, ITS should provide cheap accomodation expecially for foreign
student because for current facilities, it still expensive boarding house in
ITS approximately 600 thousand rupiahs
for foreign student and 300 thousand rupiahs for domestic student.
The second is
curriculum. It is important to provide international academic curriculum that
comercially sale to foreign student. Every departement in each faculty in ITS
should be prepare international curriculum to promote ITS in international
student. Moreover, ITS should be improve languange ability especially english
language as well as for lecturer, student, administration employee and all
employess surrounded ITS. It is important to communicate easily with foreign
student and foreign guests who come in ITS and to accelerate ITS become world
class university. Increasing langunge ability need facility from Centre Study For
Languange to help everyone in ITS to improve her/his language well. All event
in Center Study for Languange and Culture wished can provide curriculum which
take part all internal stakeholder in ITS to improve langunge ability
especially english language.
The third is academic
regulation for foreign student and local student, many regulations are not
clear such as for the provision of student scholarships are always swayed by
the academic management about the flow in case of delay in the announcement of
scholarships and the disbursement of funds. This is caused there is no clear
standard opertional student regulatory that causing confusion when students
take care of college enrollment in ITS, especially for foreign students who
want to study at ITS. They often confuse about what should be prepared the
absence of standard operational procedures are communicated clearly to
In addition to standard operational procedures
that use the English language is still not well prepared by the students to
start joining ITS, while undergoing lecture in ITS, the terms of what needs to
be done to complete the step by step in ITS to the case- matters related to the
final project and graduation. The regulation should be prepared not only for
local student but also for foreign student by using English language. Preparation
of standard operational procedure using English language for students from they
entering college until college graduation preparations. Besides the academic
regulations governing student while study in ITS created with bilingual languange
(Indonesian and English languange) where its prepared for foreign students. All
ITS management also need to set up clearly flow procedure integrated from top
management (rector), going down in faculty and departement until technical
services, so that all employee have same understanding to service students who
need information about academic administration.
The fourth is promotion,
it is important activities which should ITS to do for get attention from global
environment. The promotion not only about facility, curriculum in ITS, but also
all event that ITS done for contribute in large citizen, all research, all
achievement and international journal that owned by ITS from all academic in
ITS. To get international attention, ITS should develope ability to get
international achievement as well as from lecturer, student and all civitas
academica. For students, should have good intellectual, good passion, strong
character and good understanding to face
global challenged, always give effort to win in domestic and international
competition and have best effort to give goodness for citizen by technology
application. For lecturers, should have international network to hold
international event and can promote ITS by all international research and be a
good facilitator for student to achieve their obsesion. For promote ITS to
foreign students, this should be cleared about regulation to enrollment ITS and
during study in ITS and guarantee the foreign student for serve student visa
and all application easily. The promotion can be done by international event
and internet.
The fifth is cooperation.
The important step have to do ITS is conduct cooperation with universities in
abroad to exchange students for study and exchange lecturers for lecture. It must
consider tuition resources for foreign student in order to help foreign student
can survive easily in Indonesia. ITS should provide clear regulation and
procedure for foreign student during
living in Indonesia through cooperation with government. ITS should has good
cooperation with multinational company for student intership and research
opportunity so the students can apply the knowledge in real conditions. This
can be an attraction of foreign students to study in ITS.
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